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Heritage Commission Minutes 04/24/2014

April 24, 2014, Meeting, Grange Hall

Barn and land easement program was open to the public by NH Preservation Alliance Field Service Representative Maggie Stier and Barn Easement Program Director Beverly Thomas. The program provided to the 17 attendees much information about the benefits of barn easements.

A short Business Meeting was conducted after the program.

Members Present: Lucille Noel, Kate RClfferty-Hall, Dawn Marshall, Faye McAnney, Bob McAnney, Ann Davis

Members excused: Barbara Frangione, Michelle Plunkett, Patty Humphrey

Kate Rafferty-Hall made a MOTION to accept the Minutes from February and March meetings; seconded by Ann Davis; all in favor; Minutes accepted as presented.

A Treasurer's Report was not presented; Lucille did stated the importance for a separate accounting of Charrette money, listing each individual and the amount received.

Member Appointments - Since Jeff Jordan was not present, Commission members could not be sworn in for appointment.

Election of Officers - Ann Davis made a MOTION to accept the slate of officers as proposed:
Chair - Lucille Noel; Vice-Chair - Kate Rafferty-Hall; Secretary - Michelle Plunkett; Treasurer Dawn Marshall; seconded by Kate Rafferty-Hall; all in favor; Motion passed. No Archivist/Historian was elected as no one offered to fill the position.

There was a discussion regarding the April 28th Charrette meeting with Rob Dapice, Plan NH; Lucille (Heritage), Dawn (Conservation Commission) and Ann (AgCom) would attend, Kate would try to attend.

The Master Plan chapter "Historical, Cultural and Scenic Resources" had been finished and copies handed out; after read by members, a vote will be taken at the next meeting and then will be presented to the Planning Board.

Barn Easements information - members assigned to surrounding towns will bring in their information at the next meeting.

Authorization of expenditures (stamps, envelopes, copying, etc) - Kate Rafferty-Hall made a MOTION to reimburse Lucille Noel up to $50 for supplies; seconded by Ann Davis; all in favor; Motion passed.

Canterbury Road Tree Project - Bob is getting a crew together this coming weekend to determine locations and dig holes; and five trees will be planted on May 3. The care of these new trees is crucial; all agree.a they would help maintain the trees, and perhaps, landowners would also help water. Certificates possibly on pamhment will be presented to donors. A pledge fulfillment was received for this project; the money will go into the non-lapsing account.

Dawn mentioned that Epsom Conservation offered a sugar maple to those who picked up roadside trash and turned it in.

The next meeting will be held the 4th Thursday, May 22, 7pm, at th'e Grange, for the Humanities Council Program "A Walk Back in Time: The Secrets of Cellar Holes" co-hosted by the Chichester Historical Society.

Meeting adjourned 9:10pm

Respectfully submitted,

Ann Davis, Member